Leadership & Officers

The Dallas AGO Chapter Leadership

American Guild of Organists
475 Riverside Drive,  Suite 1260
New York, NY 10115
Telephone: 212-870-2310
FAX: 212-870-2163
Email  Website

The Dallas Chapter of the American Guild of Organists
Organized in 1918
P.O. Box 12814
Dallas, TX 75225

Chapter Leadership (2024-2025)

Dean: Jordan Peek (1:2)

Sub Dean: Dr. Rene Schmidt (1:2)

Secretary: Becky Peal-Sconce (1:3)

Treasurer: Kenton Kravig (1:3)

Membership Secretary: Gary Beathard (3:3)

Historian: Chris Brunt (3:3)

Parliamentarian: Ellen Hart [AAGO] (1:3)

Auditors: David Rodgers (3:3), David Brown (1:3)


Chapter Appointments

Education, Certification, and College Liason: Grady Coyle [AAGO]

Education Projects Committee Chair: Michael Soto

Robert T. Anderson Recital Series Director: Jordan Peek

Scholarships Director: Joe Snyder

Communications: Chris Widomski (Chair, Newsletter/Website), Chris Brunt (Facebook/area organ-church music related news, etc)

Pastoral Attentiveness Committee Chair: Chris Brunt

Chaplain: Fr. Rob Price (St. Matthew's Episcopal Cathedral)

Neighborhood Recitals Director: Vacant

Social Committee Chair/Hospitality: Vacant

Placement Coordinator/Substitute List: Conner McMains

Nominations Committee Chair: Michael Conrady [AAGO]

Long-Range Planning Committee Chair: Michael Conrady [AAGO]

Chapter photographer: Scott Scheetz

Chapter Advisors: Grady Coyle [AAGO], Sheryl Sebo [AAGO], Ellen Hart [AAGO], and Jody Lindh